May 12, 2009

Insistent - Socks & Shoes

Mika and I were trying on clothes in a dressing room and she got the brilliant idea of swapping socks. "Ha ha, why not?" I thought. So she pulled on my black socks and I put her socks on my big toes and we had a good laugh. The she wanted her shoes on. "Well that's gonna feel gross, but whatever." It was all fun and games until she insisted on keeping my socks, like pitch-a-fit insistent. So I gave up and she wore my socks the rest of the day while I went sockless in my black wingtips in cold, wet weather. Talk about feeling gross.
At first glance, just a fun picture of the Meeks. But if you look closer, you'll notice her shoes are on the wrong feet. Ick. As she was putting them on, I tried to gently explain that she needed to switch, but she didn't want to hear that, see?

And finally, one time after her bath, Mika insisted on putting on her red shoes...before ANYTHING else.


Chellers said...

Let the shoe fettish begin. It's funny how kids all do the same thing. I can't tell you how many shoe issues I've had with Avery too! The latest one was her insisting on only wearing boots without socks to the playground, and then ending up with a serious blister afterwards. Now she knows that socks are a good idea with boots. :-)

Nevada Woolfs said...

That is so funny! How old is Mika anyway? She's so cute and does look like a Haraguchi! My girls love shoes fact it's the only word they say besides mom and dad!

crabels said...

Nothing completes that "i'm ready to go" feeling after getting ready in the morning like putting on your shoes. So why wait until the end of your routine for that feeling? I applaud the efforts of the meeks! A true fashion trailblazer and inspiration to all... Shoes first!